It should go without saying every blog post needs to be useful, informative, and enjoyable to read. However, there are five very important things that every blog post must have.

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Being a beginner blogger is HARD! I know, I’ve been there. Trying to figure out everything can seem like a daunting task.
Here at She’s In The Money I like to give you plenty of beginner blogging tips to hopefully make things easier for you.
My main issue has always been trying to be a perfectionist. I wanted my blog to be perfect before I launched it. And with all the tips and tricks I give you on my blog you can achieve the same goal.
So today, I’m going to go over the five most important things I believe every blog post must have.
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1. Catchy Title
First and foremost, your blog post must have a catchy title. This is what is going to draw people in to make them want to read your blog post in the first place.
This is probably single-handedly the most important thing on this list, that is why I made it #1. The title is what tells your audience what your blog post is about.
It is a good idea not only to make it catchy but to use good keywords that someone would use to search on Google or Pinterest for.
Related Article: Top 100 Catchy Words To Write Amazing Clickable Blog Post Titles
2. Key Points/Structure
There is nothing worse than going to a blog to read an article and it’s just one long big blob of words. You are going to lose your readers immediately by doing that. Human attention spans are not that long and people will get bored very quickly.
In order to communicate your information in your blog post, you need to organize your thoughts. A perfect blog post will have headings, sometimes sub-headings, short paragraphs, maybe some bullet points, and plenty of white space.
You want to make it easy for your audience to read and to skim through your main points so they can find something specific quickly.
One of my favorite pieces of advice to give is to not overwhelm your reader. You want your blog to be easy to read, easy to navigate, and easy to understand.
3. Images
You need to use images on every single blog post. Humans are visual creatures and we like to look at pretty things. Photos are colorful, they help to break things up, and gives your audience something to look at besides endless words on a page.
I don’t know about you, but I’m no photographer and even if I was halfway decent at it, I don’t think I would even have the time in the day to do it.
So what can you do then?
The one thing you DO NOT want to do is steal anyone’s images. That means you cannot start googling images and save whatever you like.
There are many options you have to legally purchase photos and that is what I choose to do on my blog. There are several websites out there that sell beautiful images and by purchasing them I know I will not get sued for illegally using someone else’s photos.
My two favorites are Styled Stock Society for feminine photos or Shutterstock for any type of photo you can imagine.
4. Links To Other Related Blog Posts
Internal linking is yet another very important thing your blog post must have. Your goal is to keep your audience engaged and to keep them on your blog as long as possible.
By linking to other relatable content within your blog you can accomplish this.
Don’t overdo it though, you don’t want to confuse your reader and give them too many options, a couple with suffice.
5. Call To Action (CTA)
At the very end of your posts, it is a great idea to use a call to action. This is where you try to get your reader to do something. It could be you asking a question, asking them to comment, or giving them a suggestion on the next thing to do on your blog. I like to use a “Final Thoughts” section at the end of every blog post.
Final Thoughts
I hope this information was useful to you. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.
Are you ready to begin the journey of starting your own blog? Head over to my easy step-by-step guide to get started!
Looking for more blogging tips? I got you covered! I have a whole section on my blog dedicated to helping you with useful tips and tricks.

Very good n informative
Thank you!