So, you want to start a blog? Congratulations! The first step is to pick the perfect blog niche. Are you undecided on what to write about still?
There are many blog niche ideas to choose from. I hope this guide will point you in the right direction.

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Picking a blog niche is important and can be a hard decision for some. But picking the wrong niche can end up costing you a lot of time and money in the long run.
You will hear people tell you to follow your passion and there are others who will tell you to pick one that makes the most money.
A good niche to choose is one that is related to what you like, has good traffic, and also has a monetary value.
I believe that no matter what blog niche you choose there is always an opportunity to make money. Obviously, some niches will make more than others, but it depends on what you want to achieve with your blog. You just have to learn the tricks to monetize your blog correctly.
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What Is A Blog Niche?
A blog niche, in simple terms, refers to a specific topic, category, or subject that is covered by a particular blog.
When you have a niche, all your posts revolve around the main theme, and that’s essentially all you talk about.
Single Topic Blog vs Multi-Topic Blog
Basically, blogs can be broken down into two main categories: niche blogs and multi-topic (general) blogs. While niche blogs mainly focus on one subject, general blogs focus on a variety of topics. These general blogs are usually referred to as lifestyle blogs. On a lifestyle blog, you’ll find a wide range of content on general topics such as fashion, fitness, travel, parenting, etc.
You might think having a lifestyle blog is better since you’ll be covering many different topics and this would, in turn, attract a variety of people. But these visitors may not stick around long if they came to your blog for a specific purpose. They will see your blog has no clear focus and lose interest quickly.
Not only can multi-topic blogs be bad for gaining a targeted audience, but they can be bad for SEO and monetization as well. Not that this has been bad for every lifestyle blog. Look at blogs such as Buzzfeed and PopSugar. They are doing extremely well blogging on a huge variety of topics.
But, for the new, less established blogger trying to replicate something like this can be quite the undertaking.
Why Choosing A Blog Niche Is Important
Have you ever heard of the expression “Jack of all trades, master of none”?
A blog niche shows that you are an expert on a certain subject. If you know your blog niche very well, it will be easy for you to write. Your knowledge and passion will show in your writing. Producing quality content is the key to having a successful blog.
If you’re running a blog that talks about everything from photography to fashion to web design you’re going to confuse your readers. It is critical to have a target audience and a focus.
Yes, there is some overlap between certain niches, but what’s important is that you stay consistent. Don’t talk about finance one day, and then talk about pet care the next. You may end up losing readers with this approach.
As a blog reader myself, I like to subscribe to blogs dedicated to topics that are specifically interesting to me. I don’t want to be bombarded with information about a wide variety of topics when I set out to read about a particular topic. I prefer to keep my focus on those topics which I enjoy reading and learning about.
If I subscribe to a blog for recipes and then later I find posts about parenting or dating advice, I’m going to unsubscribe. My daughter is an adult and I’m in a relationship so this information is useless to me. There are thousands if not millions of recipe blogs, I will just go find another one to follow.
Can you see now where the problem lies with a multi-topic blog?
Benefits Of A Blog Niche
Having a blog niche brings a number of benefits such as:
- Having a blog niche will keep you on track.
- Focusing on a blog niche will make you an expert.
- A niche blog helps grow an audience.
- A blog niche will help you to monetize your blog properly.
- Your blog will have a better SEO ranking.
How To Choose The Perfect Blog Niche
So, how do you go about choosing the perfect blog niche?
For many people, their blog is their guilty pleasure. It’s what they like to do in their free time. I love blogging so much it’s a bit of an obsession. You want to pick something that excites you.
You need to find your passion. What is it that could talk about for hours, weeks, months, years and not get sick of? Is there something that you are an expert in that people look to you for advice?
But what if I’m passionate about a bunch of different things? How do I decide?
Start by writing down all the topics that you are interested in. Next, begin coming up with blog post ideas for each topic. Pick the subject where your blog post ideas are flowing naturally. You don’t want to struggle to create content.
You don’t have to be so specific in picking your niche that you quickly run out of ideas. She’s In The Money focuses on all things money. Everything I talk about revolves around how to earn money, save money, and reduce debt. I also enjoy teaching others how to start a successful blog because it is my favorite way to make extra money online. Do you see how you can take one subject and branch off of that and still keep things cohesive?
For example, if you start a beauty blog, you can blog about makeup, hair, skincare, nails, even DIY beauty recipes. Or if you feel you want to completely narrow down your niche and just blog about makeup then that’s great too.
Check out the list below of blog niche ideas, maybe something will set off a light bulb in your head of what to choose.
80 Blog Niche Ideas
- Travel
- Art
- Sports
- Video Gaming
- Religion
- Music
- Gift Ideas
- Life Hacks
- Business
- Pregnancy
- Fashion
- Boating
- Investing
- Fishing
- Meal Planning
- Pottery
- Food
- Finance
- Marketing
- News
- Sewing
- Knitting
- Product Reviews
- Photography
- Yoga
- Makeup
- Dieting
- Mental Health
- Real Estate
- Jewelry
- Dancing
- Politics
- Parenting
- Home Remodeling
- Relationships
- Environment
- Crafts
- Car Repair
- Antiques
- Technology
- Hair Care
- Writing
- Green Living
- Homesteading
- Pets
- Home Decor
- Camping
- Beer Brewing
- Gardening
- Toy Reviews
- Cooking
- Baking
- Anti-Aging
- Fitness
- Organization
- Survival
- Personal Development
- Web Design
- Quilting
- Scrapbooking
- Metal Working
- Wine
- Videography
- Humor
- Book Reviews
- Weight Lifting
- Natural Remedies
- Hunting
- Home Schooling
- Woodworking
- Model Building
- Coin Collecting
- Weddings
- Party Planning
- Scholarships/Grants
- RV Travel
- Antiques
- Skincare
- Natural Living
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right niche for your blog is vital to its success. Building a successful blog takes time and you need to be in it for the long haul. By picking something you are passionate about it will help you to avoid blogger burnout.
Still not convinced you need to pick a specific niche? Or are you still confused on what niche to pick? Start a conversation, let me know your troubles in the comments below!
Need help starting your blog? Read my easy step-by-step guide for beginners on How To Start A Blog.
You can start a blog for as low as $3.95 per month plus you get a free domain name ($15 value) if you sign up here.
✨If you are new to my blog, my main focus here is to help you make and save more money. One of the best ways I have found to make extra money online is by starting a blog.
I love helping other people with tips and tricks on how to build a blog. Be sure to check out my Resources page for my favorite products and services to help you along your journey!✨