Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a highly successful blogger? Do you feel like no matter what you do you’ll never be as successful as you want to be?

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The truth is, it takes time to find success as a blogger, it just doesn’t happen overnight.
I know sometimes it’s hard to see others succeeding more than us. It can make us angry, jealous, and bitter. You’re probably wondering what they are doing that you’re not doing.
What sets the truly successful bloggers apart from the rest is the way they work.
These bloggers have a set of carefully crafted habits that they use that takes them to the next level.
I have good news for you……..You can do this too!
To help you out, I compiled a list of the top 15 habits of successful bloggers. These are all the things you can start doing today to see big results.
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1. They Are Highly Motivated
First and foremost, you need to be a highly disciplined motivated self-starter. You must have that entrepreneurial spirit that is pushing you to keep moving forward.
When you’re a blogger, you are your own boss. You don’t have anyone pushing you to work except yourself. Without constant motivation, you will never succeed.
You don’t see lazy people becoming successful, do you? Success will not be handed to you on a silver platter. You have to work for it on a daily basis.
2. They Treat Their Blog Like A Business
If you want to be a successful blogger you need to treat your blog like a business from day one. Treating your blog as a business means you are serious about committing your time to grow it and making it better.
It also means you are not afraid to invest money in your blog. Get good reliable web hosting, purchase an SEO-friendly mobile responsive theme, buy beautiful images, and invest in help when you need it.
I recommend Bluehost for your web hosting to get started with. It is widely used among new bloggers.
A great theme is essential to a successful blog. I use the Foxy Theme by Hello You Designs. They have gorgeous unique feminine WordPress themes and I use them on both of my blogs. I also suggest Bluchic as another choice, they have clean, beautiful, and easy to use themes that will not disappoint.
Looking for gorgeous photos for your blog? Styled Stock Society has pretty feminine images for the female entrepreneur or you could go with Shutterstock that appeals to all niches and tastes.
Need help with all there is to know about setting up your blog and making money? I offer one on one blog coaching services and blog reviews to assist you.
3. Successful Bloggers Listen To Their Audience
You need to listen to what your audience wants by analyzing which posts get the most traffic and interaction. This also means listening to what people are saying in the comments about each post.
Never ignore your readers. Always respond to comments regardless if they are positive or negative.
4. They Post Consistently
It isn’t necessary to post once a day or even a couple times a week. Do what works for you. Personally, I try to post on both my blogs at least twice a month.
This allows me enough time to create an amazing blog post and it doesn’t put so much pressure on me that I feel stressed about it.
The worst thing you can do is neglect your blog.
If you’r not writing new posts, at least make sure you are updating old posts to keep them relevant.
5. They Post Quality Content
Producing quality content is the key to having a successful blog. By writing in your own voice, it gives your audience a chance to connect with you. You want to sound like a real person, not a robot. By being yourself, it will keep your audience coming back for more.
Also, having fewer posts with good quality content is way better than having a ton of half-assed unhelpful useless posts.
6. Successful Bloggers Take Their Time
Don’t let bloggers fool you into thinking you can write a blog post in 30 minutes. Chances are, if that’s the amount of time your spending, then I’ll tell you right now, your writing just to post and it’s most likely crap. If that is all the time you are spending then your not taking your time and putting the time and effort that should go into posting quality content.
7. They Set Goals
Are you guilty of not setting any goals? I know it sounds great in theory but doing it is a different story. We think that if we set goals and don’t achieve them that we set ourselves up for disappointment.
Goals are not created to set you up for disappoint or making it so rigid you can’t do anything spontaneous. Goals are game changers because they give you something to shoot for. How can you hit the target if you don’t even know what you’re aiming for?
Setting goals will get you motivated and help you get things accomplished.
8. They Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is so important when there are so many distractions going on around us. Buy a planner/organizer to keep you on track.

9. They’re Passionate About What They Do
I have poured my heart and soul into my blog. I enjoyed every second of creating it and still am passionate about it. I look forward to working on it.
You don’t ever want to be miserable and hate what you do. It will show in your work.
Remember – Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.
10. Successful Bloggers Collaborate
You need to get yourself out there and connect with other bloggers. See if you can guest post on another blog you like reading. Also, you can approach some of the more popular bloggers to do an interview so you can write a blog post about them.
11. They Never Waste Time
This would apply to successful people in general. If you want to be your own boss do you think you’re going to achieve that by sitting around watching Netflix or playing games on your phone? NO!!
12. They Don’t Compare Themselves To Others
Never compare yourself to others they’re more screwed up than you think. I heard that somewhere on the internet a while ago. and it could not be truer. There seems to be a lot of bloggers posting their income reports on their blogs lately and I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Honestly, who knows it can be a gimmick or a sales tactic.
Comparing yourself to others will kill your creativity. Focus on YOU!
13. Successful Bloggers Are Persistent
I bet every blogger faced a point where they wanted to quit. Building a blog is a ton of work and can be very overwhelming at times. What’s the difference though between a successful blogger and an unsuccessful blogger when they reach that point? Well, the successful blogger never gives up.
Remember – Quitting is not an option! You have to keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles you face.
14. They Are Always Learning
An effective blogger is open to learning. Whether you are just starting out and learning the basics or you’re a seasoned blogger, never stop educating yourself. It is important to constantly read books, watch videos, and purchase online courses.
Top bloggers stay up to date with the latest news and trends surrounding their niche. Read other blogs and subscribe to important blogs newsletters.
15. They Don’t Let Others Get Them Down
Negative Nancy’s, cyber bullies, trolls, keyboard warriors; whatever it is you like to call them. They are out there and they run rampant on the internet. Others will disagree with you and may even personally attack you for what you have to say.
Beauty bloggers on YouTube probably have it the worst. There is even a gossip website where you can trash talk them. It’s insane that people have that much time on their hands.
Remember people who waste their time bashing others will not be successful. Successful people only have time to build themselves up not tear others down.
You must learn to have thick skin and be able to respond positively to these people. You will never become successful if you let others get to you.
Final Thoughts
I hope these 15 habits will help you with your success in building and growing your blog. Remember if you want something bad enough you will do what it takes. Good luck with your success! Comments or questions? Leave them below and I will be sure to respond. Have a great day everybody!
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